Friday, 6 December 2013

Weird dream which would be a great game idea...

Oh, what a horrible night to have a nightmare...

I want to share a weird dream with you. I hope you enjoy it! This happened at December 6, 2013.

Oh, well, that was weird. I felt like I was in a video game. I lost my memory about my dream almost, but still I can remember some events, characters, places.

Monday, 2 December 2013

Review: Street Fighter 2010 - The Final Fight (NES)

Street Fighter 2010 - title screen
Title screen of Street Fighter 2010 - The Final Fight (US version)
Street Fighter 2010 - The Final Fight (or 2010: Street Fighter in Japan) is not really a Street Fighter game. It has nothing to do with Street Fighter except in the US version the main character called as Ken (Kevin Stryker in te JP version).

Sunday, 1 December 2013

Little progress... Tree and track design

I am getting on the right track with racing game development in Unity. I have a decent (but far from great) car physics for mobile, and now track design is getting better too. Also, I figured out, how should I make tree sprites quickly in high quality.

Unity 2D tree test
Crossed tree sprite in the background... well I won't leave it there it's too dangerous!

Friday, 8 November 2013

NES memories... that I liked so much!

Oh well... it was a long  time ago. A little child who had so much time to waste. He was lazy to learn, or doing homework. Well, actually, he did the homework... quickly and well. And learnt in the school at lesson. A child who liked videogames. Who got his first Famiclone in 1994...

Yeah, actually I never had a real NES or Famicom. I had those Chinese clones. I liked it, my first game was Super Mario Bros. I was impressed by the game when I was 4. NES was awesome! And you know what? It's still awesome! A great console with many great games. And many great games I didn't have. I'm so happy about emulators, so I can somewhat get and try what I missed. You have to know about me, I was a very patient man back then, and I'm still. I love NES because of challenge. Games were short, but games were extremely challenging. Completing a hard game was always satisfying. Today's games are... well, most of them are boring for me. No challenge, no... sorry, that's an other topic. I'll explain later.

So hard games were good for me, weird ones too. I never had a favorite genre back then, so my list is mixed with different kind of games. Here is my list of my most favored games. The order is not based on the game quality but how memorable was it for me... or just purely random... except #1. Too much memory, my brain needs defragmentation...

Monday, 7 October 2013

My first artwork with a tablet PC...

Finally, I bought a Nexus 7-2, and I am very happy with it. I don't have a pen for it, but I made one. It's pretty horrible. But it works. Here is my first artwork I made with it. I cheated on the outlines, I used a background layer to draw on the top of it.

My picture is related to the famous 1976 Formula 1 World Championship, which is recreated in the movie RUSH. I never made any digital art, like this, but I'm happy with the result.

Tablet: Asus Nexus 7 2013
Stylus: Homemade from old pen, Q-tip, aluminum foil
Software: Autodesk Sketchbook Pro

Also on DeviantArt:

Thursday, 12 September 2013

My thoughts and review of: Amnesia - A Machine for Pigs.

Amnesia - A Machine for Pigs

Készítette: The Chinese Room
Kiadta: Frictional Games
Megjelenés: 2013.09.10.
Platform:Windows, Mac, Linux

A fejlesztőkről, a játékról és néhány gondolat...
Véget ért a várakozás... végre kipróbálhattam a játékot, amit nagyon vártam. Imádtam az első Amnesia játékot, így nagyon lelkes voltam a Machine for Pigs című részével kapcsolatban. A Frictional Games ezúttal csak kiadó lett a játékot a Dear Esther alkotói, a Chinese Room készítette. "Vajon lesz-e olyan jó, mint az első rész? Vajon sikerül-e megismételni a The Dark Descent sikerét? Vajon fogok félni úgy, mint az első játékot játszva?" Ezek a kérdések jártak a fejemben. Agyam kissé rozsdás fogaskerekei szépen lecsillapodtak és belevágtam a kalandba, hogy választ kapjak kérdéseimre...

A játék története 60 évvel az első játék után játszódik és lényegében a két történet egy kifejezést leszámítva egyáltalán nem kapcsolódnak egymáshoz. Oswald Mandus gyáriparos bőrébe bújva tevékenykedünk a játékban, aki egy tragikusan sikerült mexikói expedícióból tért haza. Lázas lett, álmaiban gyakran álmodott egy nagy, sötét gépezetről. Magához tért, ám nem tudta, hogy hónapok teltek el. Gyermekei eltűntek, motivációja, célja, hogy megtalálja őket. Viszont megtalálásukhoz le kell ereszkednie a mélybe, a rejtélyes gépezet szívébe...

Monday, 18 March 2013


Well, this is it... some laser shooters... simple as hell. Made in Unity. They follow the target. They are burst firing. The script I wrote for this is very simple, and versatile.

Tuesday, 1 January 2013

(En/Hu) Mass Effect 2 and Doctor Who soundtrack merged

Doctor Who and Mass Effect 2 Soundtrack, "Ki vagy, Doki", "Murray Gold", "Jack Wall"

Just a quick combination of Suicide Mission (ME2) and Majestic Tale (of a Mad Man with a Box) (DW).
Orignal Soundtracks by Jack Wall and Murray Gold. They fit together perfectly!

Egy gyors összevágása a Suicide Mission és Majestic Tale of a Mad Man With a Box című soundtrackeknek. Tökéletesen összeillenek!

Made with Audacity. / Készült Audacity segítségével.